Something for everyone

RECBT workshops
Dr Shishir Palsapure is a certified Cognitive behaviour and Rational Emotive Behaviour therapy supervisor. The REBT workshops that he conducts vary in duration and content. They are in high demand due to his practical hands-on approach, and expert supervision.

Dr Shishir Palsapure is a certified Cognitive behaviour and Rational Emotive Behaviour therapy supervisor. The Beck's cognitive therapy workshops that he conducts vary in duration and content. They are in high demand due to his practical hands-on approach, and expert supervision.

Our free internships offer excellent opportunities for budding psychologists to receive basic training in seeing clients for free, also practice sessions, and a chance to interact with real clients in a professional setting.

For post-graduates in psychology or psychiatry who are looking for intensive practical training and supervision in CBT and REBT.

Couple/Family Therapy
Tens of couples/families have benefited from REBT-CBT-based family therapy. It involves setting realistic common goals in the therapy and achieving them with the help of the therapist. Dr Shishir is LGBTQAI-friendly.

Support group and Group therapy
Personal growth and skill training

Training of Trainers
Get trained to be a trainer in any field